Question: 1 / 50

What terms best describe para-verbal Communication?

Intonation, intention, body language

Tone, volume, cadence

Para-verbal communication refers to the non-verbal elements of communication used to modify meaning and convey emotion. This includes aspects like the tone, volume, and cadence of one's speech. The tone of someone’s voice represents the attitude or mood of the person speaking. It is often picked up unconsciously, and can change the meaning of the words spoken. Volume is another element of para-verbal communication that communicates the emotional state of the person speaking. Loudness indicates high emotion, while a soft voice often equates to calmness or fearfulness. Cadence is the rhythm or pattern of speech. It can communicate a variety of messages, for example, a fast cadence might indicate excitement or anxiety, whereas, a slow cadence can be interpreted as calm or potentially apathetic. Therefore, the combination of tone, volume, and cadence in a conversation can significantly influence how the message is received by the listener, highlighting their importance in para-verbal communication.

Tune, pitch, octave

Smile, nod, wave


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